Select Simulated Element

An explanation of fields and properties

Select Simulated Element

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Optimization control bar, select Risk Assessment | Import Data

Geological Risk Assessment (GRA) allows for easy import of conditional simulation data from Datamine and Medsystem. Import from other applications requires going through Data Source Driver dialogs. The simulation data is assumed to be in the same model that was previously imported to build an Economic Model.

Field Details:

Simulated element: select the element, for example [AU0], whose simulated grades are available in the geological model.

Load fields with prefix: use this option only if you are importing from Datamine or Medsystem. For example, enter 'AU' if the simulated grade fields are AU0, AU1, AU2 etc.

Load all fields with this prefix: up to 200 simulated grade fields will be loaded.

Load first: enter the number of fields. For example, if you enter '40', only the first 40 fields will be loaded

Let me choose the fields: Data Source Drivers will allow you to choose the fields you need.

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